Naturalness Scale
Fig. 2.1: A framework of naturalness in driver-car interaction. (Modified from source: Ramm, 2018)
Natural User Interfaces
Fig. 2.2: Natural User Interfaces
Graphical User Interfaces
Fig. 2.3: Graphical User Interfaces
Command-Line Interfaces
Fig. 2.4: Command-Line Interfaces
Information Table

This pertains to the affordances things have: how we think things should be interacted with. Designers need to match people's expectations with an object's functions.

Information Table

We used everyday gestures that people already know: turning a physical volume knob is engrained into human behaviour. It does not require a user manual.

Information Table
Freedom of Control

The driver should be at the center of the experience, it's their car after all. Systems that operate without communicating their intent are frustrating to people.


The focus was to deliver a natural user experience, relying on familiar patterns, known gestures, and in general employing interactions that are second nature and don't require a cognitive effort. This in turn means that the technological part of our solution needs to be quasi invisible, as to not distract.

Innovation of Meaning
Fig. 2.5: Innovation of Meaning vs. Solution. (Modified from source: Verganti, 2016)